Breath Easy

You Don’t See it But It’s There

Please consider these facts:

The average person breathes 3, 400 gallons of air each day. Children breathe 50% more air per pound than adults. Most of us spend 90% of our time indoors. According to the US Environmental Protection Agency (ESPA) “ A growing body of scientific evidence has indicated that the air within homes and other buildings can be more seriously polluted than the outdoor air” What is more problematic is that three years ago, the Blacksmith Institute included key cities in the Philippines in its “Dirty Thirty”; a list of the most polluted places on earth. The good news is you can shield yourself and your loved ones from these hazards. Indoor air pollution is a health risk you can do something about.

Welcome a Breath of Fresh Air

OZEIN’’s unique four-stage air-purifying system can free your room from the worst of air pollutants. You can breath easy knowing that OZEIN is 99.99% effective in removing airborne contaminants that include dust, pollen, smoke, pet dander (sin flakes), mold, dioxin, formaldehyde and even radon decay byproducts. It is also effective in killing virus and bacteria that pass through it system.

With OZEIN you can create an atmosphere of wellness and turn your home into a clean breathing space that your family deserves.


During World War II, the engineers of the atomic bomb thought of a brilliant way to protect themselves from radioactive contaminants. This was how the first HEPA filter was created. A filter so fine that it can trap airborne particles as small as 0.3microns to- 300 times smaller than the diameter of a human hair. Today, HEPA filters are used in “high technology industries such as aerospace, pharmaceutical processing, hospitals, health care, nuclear fuels, nuclear power, and electronic microcircuitry (computer chips)”. This same technology that is used to provide high quality air in such demanding environments is now available to you in OZEIN.


Due to its microporosity, OZEIN’s activated carbon filter features a surface area equal to the size of 30 basketball courts. At such an abundant filtration capacity, it can effectively reduce odors such as those caused by cigarette smoke, car exhaust fumes, cooking and even chemical vapors. The huge surface area of activated carbon gives it countless bonding sites that adsorbs and traps chemicals as they pass next to these carbon surfaces.


In 1903, the Nobel Prize for Medicine was awarded to Niels Finsen for his use of UV against tuberculosis. His work opened a new avenue in medical science and is now standard in disinfection technology. Using a UV lamp in circulating air creates a deadly effect on micro-organisms such as pathogens, viruses and molds. Direct exposure to UVC radiation will inactivate the DNA and RNA of microorganisms, rendering them “sterile”, which, in biological terms, results in a “dead” microorganism. Treating air with ultraviolet light will eliminate DNA-based airborne contaminants (bacteria, viruses, mold spores, yeast, protozoa) and provide much healthier air to breathe.


Composed of three oxygen atoms (O3), its this simple but powerful molecule that is used naturally to clean the atmosphere. Ozone is chemical-free, and emits no harmful by-products. After a short period of time the ozone will break down back to oxygen. Ozone is the clean, fresh scent noticeable after rainstorms. Ozone is FDA, EPA and USDA approved and is certified organic. In air treatment, it is used to eliminate odors, sterilize the air and remove and neutralize pollutants such as cigarette smoke, carbon monoxide and noxious gases. It will also prevent cross contamination of airborne diseases such as flu, salmonella, and E. coli. Because oxygen naturally seeks its normal state, ozone is an unstable, highly reactive form of gas. As an oxidizer, it is 150 times more powerful than chlorine, and 3,500 times faster at killing bacteria and other microbes. Ozone is effective as a disinfectant and does not leave toxic by-products similar to those related to chlorination.


Disinfect Air in Homes, Offices, Clinics and Hospitals

Ozone is a very strong oxidant. This means that when it comes into contact with microorganisms such as bacteria and fungi, or other odor making particles, it oxidizes them, and by doing so sterilizes, disinfects and removes odor in the environment it is exposed to. This process is described as non-selective, which means that bacteria cannot develop an immunity or resistance to ozone.

Sanitize Fruits and Vegetables

“With a 99.9% kill rate, it’s far more effective than current sanitizing methods, such as commercial fruit and vegetable washes. The Food and Drug Administration recently gave the go-ahead to use it commercially in U.S. supermarkets and food-processing facilities”.
– Prof. Gary Rodrick, University of Florida

Sanitize Fresh Meat and Fish

In 1997 ozone gained the FDA approval of GRAS (Generally Recognised As Safe) and later in 2001 was allowed as a direct food additive in contact with food including meat and poultry. Food products can be rinsed in ozonated water at controlled levels to reduce surface bacteria and organisms. Be that on the outer skins or on the flesh itself.

Disinfect Water

Ozone is extremely powerful oxidant and disinfectant that acts quickly at low concentrations in many water purification applications. Ozone is 150 times more powerful than chlorine as a disinfectant. The only by-product of ozone is oxygen. Hence, it will not contribute to the earth’s pollution.

Uses as a Powerful Hand and Facial Rinse

Ozone is powerful eliminator of Staph and other germs common to the human skin surface. The hands or face should be washed as usual with warm water and soap, rinsed with warm water to remove the soap, then rinsed thoroughly for at least one minute with the ozonated water. The longer the ozone rinse, the greater the reduction in skin borne microorganisms.

For More Info Please contact ME @ 09204840977

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